June 22, 2020

Depending on the recipe you will need a ripe or firm fruit and of course

How to incorporate dried apricots in your dietReplace a few servings of fresh fruit a week with smaller portions of dried fruit, you can automatically increase your intake of dietary fiber, potassium, iron, and antioxidants.”Says Shwetha Doshi, Pune based nutritionist and diet consultant. Make a sharp cut round the fruit and twist it to make in two halves, then the seed can be easily removed with a paring knife Apricots may be substituted for their cousins (peaches and nectarines) in most recipes, so feel free to experiment. A favourite fruit of the Maharajas and Nizam, apricots lend a sophisticated flavour to many dishes and are great for health too, says FAREEDA KANGA.Apricots can be used in diverse cuisines especially Hyderabadi and Parsee ones adding an instant sweetness to any recipe.

Turn to page 13Continued frompage 12COOKING TIPS:For Fresh Apricots: "Apricots have a seed in the middle.STORAGE AND SELECTIONApricots are at their optimal when kept at room temperature until ripe and then moved in the fridge in a plastic bag or bin for three to five days. Equally versatile in sweets and savouries, it is rumoured that the Nizam of Hyderabad, reputedly the richest man in the world in his time, had a special dessert made of apricots and cream called Khubani Ka Meetha created in his honour.In India, the fruits ripen around monsoon when the climate is pleasant and they are plucked and dried in the sun or mechanically at times. They can be cut easily by knife, but tend to stick so a dust of flour will help. So the convenience factor is heightened and offers a quick energy boost. Regular consumption of apricots therefore, along with leafy greens, nuts and seeds, help to prevent weakening of the bones and developing bone conditions such as osteoporosis.

In India, the fruits ripen around monsoon when the climate is pleasant and they are plucked and dried in the sun or mechanically at times. Hidden inside is a large kernel that will fall out easily if the flesh is ripe.Not your everyday fruit, the apricot or khubani as it is known in Hindi has been a favourite fruit in Indian cooking for centuries.How do you spot a ripe apricot?One sign: the fruit is soft but not overtly malleable; otherwise it may be overripe.In case you want to remove the skin, just blanch for 20 seconds and dip in ice water, the skin would be easily peeled off. Research suggests that dried fruit provides rich sources of dietary fiber and iron — particularly figs, raisins, dried plums, and apricots. Remember to always keep them out of direct sunlight if kept outside. Make sure the apricots are not overcooked so that one does not experience the texture of this fruit.DRIED VERSUS RAWWhich is better, or are they equal?

The debate Changan Eado Left Door Panel is on…Remember as rule of thumb all fruit that is dried from its fresh state loses most of its water content through the drying process, so it takes 3 to 4 pounds of fresh fruit to produce 1 pound of the dried version.For Dried Apricots:Apricots can be soaked for a while before cooking.As apricots grow in a tiny area in India on large, leafy orchards only, they are expensive and have grown to symbolise wealth and extravagance so they wind their way into celebratory recipes and party cooking more often than not. It remains a Hyderabadi speciality to date…Cousins of the peach, nectarine, plum and cherry, apricots are fragrant, with a mild, glossy skin in hues of yellow to deep orange. They can be used in Mediterranean dishes, stews or to make Indian chutneys as well. Apricots are friends of the heart too. Reduce your risk of cavities by consuming dried fruit at mealtimes, rather than as a snack, and either rinsing with water or brushing your teeth immediately after eatingHEALTH BENEFITS OF APRICOTSBrimming with goodness and antioxidant qualities apricots are full of Vitamin A (For great eyesight) Potassium (for fluid and electrolyte balance) and fibre ( both soluble and insoluble).

Depending on the recipe you will need a ripe or firm fruit and of course if you plan to eat it raw."Apricots have decent amounts of most of the minerals required for healthy bone growth and formation. Calcium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and copper all aid in bone metabolism, and are present in this fruity.Be warned that since it is higher in sugar, dried fruit can be bad for your teeth if you consume large quantities of it. VitaminC, protects the heart from free radical damage, whilst potassium lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and arteries.Dried fruit is really like a healthy fast food or convenience snack since it is easy to carry and keeps well. Apricots can be used in diverse cuisines especially Hyderabadi and Parsee ones adding an instant sweetness to any recipe.They turn black if exposed to air so use it immediately or keep in acidic solution of juice” suggests Chef Praveen Shetty, Executive Chef, Conrad Bengaluru.The beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium and even the fibre all contribute to normal heart functioning

Posted by: nufacssu at 01:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 15, 2020

Many residents complained about a lack of information and confusion

Fire-safety experts say the Grenfell Tower blaze, which police said was touched off by a fire at a refrigerator, was probably due to a string of failures, not just the cladding, which is widely used to provide insulation and enhance the appearance of buildings. Some refused to leave their high-rise apartments. "Grenfell changed everything, and when told our blocks were unsafe to remain in, we acted.Camden Council leader Georgia Gould said it decided to evacuate four blocks in north London&Automotive molds39;s Chalcots Estate late Friday after fire inspectors uncovered problems with "gas insulation and door stops," which, combined with the presence of flammable cladding encasing the buildings, meant residents had to leave immediately. "We are looking at all health and safety and fire safety offenses, and we are reviewing every company at the moment involved in the building and refurbishment of Grenfell Tower.The council said residents would be out of their homes for three to four weeks while it completes fire-safety upgrades.

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said further testing "is running around the clock.In response, Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition Labour Party, said May needed to "get a grip" and lead a stronger response to what is now a "national threat. Officials first announced the evacuation of one building, then expanded it to five before reducing it to four. One hotel chain, Premier Inn, has calling in experts to check its buildings. It said about 650 apartments were evacuated, though initial reports put the figure at 800 apartments."I know some residents are angry and upset, but I want to be very clear that Camden Council acted to protect them," Gould said in a statement. To encourage cooperation with authorities, May said the government won't penalize any Grenfell fire survivors who were in the country illegally. (Photo: AP) London: Britain's fire-safety crisis expanded substantially Saturday as authorities said 34 high-rise apartment blocks across the country had cladding that failed fire safety tests. I saw it on the TV, so I packed an overnight bag."It's unbelievable."So far, Camden Council has been the only local authority to have asked residents to leave as a precaution.Renee Williams, 90, who has lived in Taplow Tower since 1968, told Britain's

Press Association: "No official came and told us what's going on.The government also urged building owners, public and private, to submit samples of their cladding."Residents - including families with babies and elderly relatives - trooped out of the buildings late Friday night with suitcases and plastic bags stuffed with clothes. Attention has focused on the 24-story tower's external cladding material, which has been blamed for the rapid spread of that blaze, but multiple other fire risks have now been identified in some housing blocks.The evacuation comes amid widening worries about the safety of high-rise apartment blocks across the country following the inferno that engulfed Grenfell Tower in west London on June 14, killing at least 79 people."Hundreds of residents hastily packed their bags and sought emergency shelter, with many angry and confused about the chaotic situation..

A view of an apartment in the Grenfell Tower after fire engulfed the 24-storey building, in London. Other residents were distraught that they were ordered to evacuate, but were told to leave their pets behind in buildings that could be dangerous."Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May, who has been criticized for her slow response to the Grenfell tragedy, said Saturday that the government was supporting Camden officials to ensure residents have somewhere to stay while building work is done.Hundreds of residents hastily packed their bags and sought emergency shelter, with many angry and confused about the chaotic situation. Some residents said they learned about the evacuation from the television news hours before officials came knocking on doors.The government said Saturday that the cladding samples that failed fire safety tests came from 34 apartment towers in cities including London, Manchester, Plymouth and Portsmouth. Scores of evacuees slept on inflatable beds in a gym while officials sought better accommodations for them. T

he Metropolitan Police said cladding attached to Grenfell during a recent renovation failed safety tests conducted by investigators.Police said Friday they # are considering filing manslaughter charges in the Grenfell disaster and they were conducting a wide-ranging investigation that will look at everything that contributed to it. London officials scrambled to evacuate four public housing towers after experts found them "not safe for people to sleep in overnight. Others were being put up in hotels or other housing projects. I understand that it's for our safety but they can't just ask us to evacuate with such short notice."The government has ordered an immediate examination of the refrigerator model that started the blaze, the Hotpoint model FF175BP refrigerator-freezer. Council workers guided dozens to a nearby gym, where they spent the night on inflatable mattresses.

Many residents complained about a lack of information and confusion.Police say 79 people are either confirmed or presumed dead in the Grenfell blaze, although that number may change, and it will take weeks to find and identify remains."We are looking at every criminal offense from manslaughter onwards," Detective Superintendent Fiona McCormack told reporters. There's no organization and it's chaos," she said.Carl McDowell, 31, said he took one look at the inflatable beds at the gym and went back to his Taplow apartment to sleep there overnight

Posted by: nufacssu at 02:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 08, 2020

IOM is putting debris-removal equipment and work crews throughout the camps

It is also setting up emergency diarrhoea treatment centres and providing search and rescue and first aid training. Most now live in flimsy, bamboo-and-plastic structures perched on what were once forested hills.”. "It depends on Allah. "They make it safer, but they won’t hold if the rain is really heavy,” said Mohammed Hares, 18. Latrines, washrooms and tube wells may also be flooded.Bangladesh Disaster Management Secretary Shah Kamal said the government was working with the UN to relocate 133,000 people living in high-risk areas.

In Kutupalong-Balukhali, the biggest of the makeshift camps, up to a third of the land could be flooded, leaving more than 85,000 refugees homeless, according to the UNHCR. It could also threaten access to medical facilities, making them difficult to reach and restock, the modelling shows. Cracks have already formed in the packed mud on which his shack is built. Nearly 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled to Bangladesh since August 2017 to escape a military crackdown in neighbouring Myanmar.Trees were cut down to make way for the refugees, who also dug up the roots for firewood, making the slopes even weaker and prone to collapse.Bangladesh government officials have also previously told Reuters they are pushing ahead with a controversial plan to turn an uninhabited island in the Bay of Bengal into a temporary home for the Rohingya and move 100,000 refugees there ahead of the monsoon.

(Representational Image) Bangladesh: The Rohingya refugees who live in shacks clinging to these steep, denuded hills in southern Bangladesh pray that the sandbags fortifying the slopes will survive the upcoming monsoon."This was a forest when I first arrived,” said Arafa Begum, 40, who lives with her three children in a shack on a barren, vertiginous slope in Chakmakul camp. Another 23,000 refugees China injection molds live on slopes at risk of landslide. "I don’t know what I’ll do when the rain comes,” he told Reuters.The UNHCR, International Organization for Migration (IOM) and World Food Programme are using bulldozers to level 123 acres in northern Kutupalong-Balukhali camp in an effort to make the area safer, said UNHCR spokeswoman Caroline Gluck.She said she wanted to move before the monsoon but must await the instructions of the majhi, or block leader.Flooding increases the risk of disease outbreaks.

IOM is putting debris-removal equipment and work crews throughout the camps, it said, and trying to improve roads and stabilise slopes. The majhi’s name is Jahid Hussain.The risk of landslides has been exacerbated by refugee families needing firewood to cook.Nearly 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled to Bangladesh since August 2017 to escape a military crackdown in neighbouring Myanmar. Computer modelling by the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) shows that more than 100,000 refugees will be threatened by landslides and floods in the coming monsoon.Bangladesh is lashed by typhoons, and the Rohingya camps are clustered in a part of the country that records the highest rainfall.

Bangladesh is lashed by typhoons, and the Rohingya camps are clustered in a part of the country that records the highest rainfall.The rains typically begin in April and peak in July, according to the Bangladesh Meteorological Department. It is also launching a Rohingya-language radio station that will act as a natural disaster warning system, he said. Most now live in flimsy, bamboo-and-plastic structures perched on what were once forested hills

Posted by: nufacssu at 05:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 01, 2020

With road accidents claiming over 1,600 lives in the national capital last year

He explained that significant speed reduction was observed in case of heavy vehicles due to their vantage point for observation of these crossings. "It is evident that HCVs and buses have an advantage over other vehicles owing to their height.The study has found that the reduction in speed in different categories of vehicles varied from 1.. Therefore, the use of 3D zebra crossing with thermo plastic paint is recommended for all the entry and exit points on the National Highways in order to study and monitor the reduction in speed over a time period of minimum one year,” the study added.6 per cent to 20.

With road accidents claiming over 1,600 lives in the national capital last year, the illusion effect created by the 3D zebra crossing could go a long way in curbing speed and preventing crashes. "Minimum speed reduction of about 1.5 per cent per annum which can be reckoned to be more than the total number of people killed in all the wars the country has fought till date.Observing the efficacy of the usage of retro-reflective paint to curb speeds, the ministry of road transport and highways is expected to issue a notification for the usage of these 3D zebra crossings as a speed reduction measure. It strongly recommended the use of thermoplastic paints for such crossings as they would not dissipate fast due to the heavy flow of traffic, thereby keeping the effect intact. The total number of people killed due to road crashes has increased from 1,37,572 in 2013 to 1,46,730 in 2015, registering an increase of 3.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to devise the ways and means to lay the same using thermoplastic paints only to increase its longevity and thereby reaping the dual advantage of retro reflectivity,” it said."3D Zebra crossing may perform efficiently in reducing speed on the inter-urban National Highways/state highways passing through hamlets and serving small habitations.3 percent was observed in the case of Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs),” the study noted.3 per cent, said Dr S. "The 3D zebra crossings should be used at the hazardous stretches that witness heavy vehicular flow,” Mr Velmurugan added."Upon interviewing drivers, it was reported that they felt some sort of hazard was lying across the road prompting them to reduce their speed about 10 to 20 m ahead of the mark,” the study noted. 10ZEBRA 1.jpg With road accidents claiming over 1,600 lives Jetour X70S Seat Cover Factory in the national capital last year, the illusion effect created by the 3D zebra crossing could go a long way in curbing speed and preventing crashes.

In a study conducted recently by the expert body CSIR-CRRI, it has been found that vehicular speed could be curtailed by up to 20 per cent by employing 3D pedestrian crossings as compared to the normal zebra crossing on the roads, thereby preventing fatal accidents.As per statistics, there is one death every four minutes due to road accidents in India which is nearly 382 road deaths every day. Velmurugan, senior principal scientist with CSIR-CRRI, who was part of the team that undertook the study.The study has also advised speed reduction measures such as 3D crossings at usual urban stretches where the share of regular commuters following the same route is very high.6 per cent was observed in the case of small cars (up to 1400 cc) whereas maximum speed reduction to the tune of 20. "Importantly, it was observed that the 3D zebra crossings made using conventional enamel paints dissipated very fast due to heavy traffic flow. The presence of 3D markings laid across the road is conspicuous from such height and consequently significant speed reduction was observed,” the study noted

Posted by: nufacssu at 05:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 25, 2020

This, biologists agree, is probably central to the natural ageing process

Telomerase, in other words, was revealed to be a key agent in longevity.In lab experiments, several critical markers of ageing in cells were "reset", including the size of telomeres."When I got to the point where I could see all the subunits - we had 11 proteins in total - it was a moment of &China Audi Q5 Medium Grille Factory39;Wow! Wow! This is how they all fit together'," said lead author Thi Hoang Duong Nguyen, a post-doc at UC Berkeley's Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science.

But early efforts to develop drugs that could control the enzyme's expression - essentially switching it on or off - "were hampered by an incomplete understanding of the structure and organisation of the telomerase complex," Stone added.A deficiency of the enzyme could accelerate cell death. It can also be linked to disease.Australian-American biologist Elizabeth Blackburn, who shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering telomeres and their protective function in the 1970s, likened them to the tiny plastic caps that keep shoelaces from fraying.A 2010 study showed that ageing could be reversed in mice that were treated with telomerase.In humans, each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, including one pair of sex chromosomes - the "X" and "Y" - that differ between males and females. A 2010 study showed that ageing could be reversed in mice that were treated with telomerase.n 1985 Blackburn discovered telomerase, and its remarkable capacity to extend a cell's lifespan.

At the other extreme, too much telomerase "supports unbridled cell growth in most human cancers," he wrote in a commentary, also in Nature. (Photo: Pixabay) Elated scientists announced Wednesday (April 26) the completion of a 20-year quest to map the complex enzyme thought to forestall ageing by repairing the tips of chromosomes in plants and animals, including humans."Our findings provide a structural framework for understanding human telomerase disease mutations, and represent an important step towards telomerase-related clinical therapeutics. Its developers won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.And in 2011, scientists found a way to transform age-worn cells from people over # 90 into rejuvenated stem cells indistinguishable from those found in embryos.To crack the telomerase code, Collins and her team used a state-of-the-art cryoelectron microscope (Cryo-EM) to see the enzyme in action at unprecedented resolutions of seven or eight angstroms.

But there is a twist.Cryo-EM can decipher the molecular structures of compounds that cannot be crystalized and imaged with X-rays.Decoding the architecture of the enzyme, called telomerase, could lead to drugs that slow or block the ageing process, along with new treatments for cancer, they reported in the journal Nature."Part protein and part RNA - genetic material that relays instructions for building proteins - telomerase acts on microscopic sheaths, known as telomeres, that cover the tips of the chromosomes found inside all cells.A 'WOW!' MOMENTIn 1985 Blackburn discovered telomerase, and its remarkable capacity to extend a cell's lifespan by essentially rebuilding telomeres with extra bits of DNA, much in the same way that retreading a tyre can make it nearly as good as new.

This, biologists agree, is probably central to the natural ageing process.An angstrom is one ten-billionth of a metre long."Inherited genetic mutations that compromise telomerase function cause disorders," said Michael Stone, a professor at the Center for Molecular Biology or RNA at the University of California, Santa Cruz."It has been a long time coming," lead investigator Kathleen Collins, a molecular biologist at the University of California in Berkeley, said in a statement.Eventually, however, shoelace tips and telomeres do break down: every time a cell divides the telomeres get worn a little bit more, until the cell stops dividing and dies

Posted by: nufacssu at 09:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 22, 2020

Take a small lump of dough and drag it with the base of your palm

You can also sprinkle poppy and sesame seeds when ariselus are hot so that they stick to it. Heat oil in a kadai and deep fry the ariselu on low flame till the colour changes to golden brown.Tip: These ariselus can be preserved for 2 to 3 days in an air tight container. Alternatively you can even roll it between two oiled plastic sheets and deep fry it.— Recipe by Umamaheshwari Mallela, home chefAriseluIngredients500 gm rice powder400 gm jaggeryOil for deep frying2 tbsp ghee2 tbsp sesame seeds2 tbsp poppy seedsMethodIn a pan, add jaggery and half cup water and boil till it becomes like a syrup.Let it simmer for ten minutes or oil surfaces. Once fermented, add besan and orange colour.After removing from ghee soak the jalebi in sugar syrup for a minute and serve hot. Mix well.Sprinkle black salt and pepper on the fried fafda and serve with hot jalebi and pickled chillies.

Knead it well.In a pan heat oil and add cloves, cinnamon, onions and green chillies. Add green chillies and sauté for a minute.Cool, mix and grind to a fine powder. If the batter is very thick, you can add some water. Now add tender tamarind leaves and salt.Add one cup water and ground spices and simmer on low heat till meat is tender and completely cooked.Now take small cherry sized balls of and press it into small puris. Leave this mixture for eight to 10 hours to ferment. Mix well and remove from the flame. Pressure cook the marinated mutton until it is tender and soft. Cover and let the leaves cook.Serve hot with rice. Podi Mamsumu Chinta Chiguru MamsamIngredients500 gm mutton2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste1 tbsp turmeric powderSalt to taste3-4 green chillies, slit½ cup tamarind leaves2 onions, chopped1 clove1 inch cinnamon1 tbsp red chilli powder3 tbsp oil1 tbsp garam masala powderSalt to tasteMethodMarinate mutton with ginger-garlic paste, turmeric powder and salt and keep for one hour.

Take a small lump of dough and drag it with the base of your palm.Mix curd, water and maida to form a thick paste. If the jalebi turns flat it means the batter is runny; add some more besan and fry again. When the syrup is done add ghee and sesame and poppy seeds.Dry roast red chillies, coriander seeds, green cardamoms, cinnamon, cloves, black peppercorns and poppy seeds one by one on a tawa over medium heat.Ruchika Sharma, celebrity chefPodi MamsumuIngredients500 gm mutton3 tbsp oil2 tsp saunf1 onion, finely sliced2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste8-10 red chillies½ cup curd2 China Cadillac Medium Grille Factory inch piece cinnamon4 green cardamoms2-4 cloves8-10 black peppercorns2 tsp khus khus1 tbsp coriander seeds3-4 green chillies, slit1 tsp turmeric powderSalt to tasteCoriander leavesMethodMarinate the mutton with curd, turmeric powder, ginger-garlic paste and salt for one hour.Marinate mutton with ginger-garlic paste, turmeric powder and salt and keep for one hour.Grease a clean surface.

Now add the cooked mutton, red chilli powder and garam masala powder.. Lift it up with a thin blade and deep fry. Fill this mixture in a icing bag or a sauce bottle with a long nozzle. Adjust water for gravy.Heat oil in a pan and sauté onions till golden brown.Continue cooking till all water dries up and oil surfaces.Sauté until onion changes colour. Garnish with coriander and serve hot with rice. Add the marinated mutton and sauté on high heat for two minutes.Tip: Use Guntur red chillies to get the authentic Andhra taste.Payal Valera, home chefJALEBIIngredients1 cup maida½ cup sour curdA few drops of orange colour1 tbsp besanGhee to deep fry for syrup1 cup sugarA few strands of saffronMethodMix sugar, water and saffron in a pan and allow it boil until it forms a one string thick syrup. Heat ghee in a kadai and drip the batter in circular shape like jalebi.Tip: This method is a little difficult and need practice.To this mixture add the rice flour and mix thoroughly.FafdaIngredients1 cup besan¼ tsp cooking sodaSalt to taste¼ tsp ajwainA pinch of turmeric powder1 tbsp oilOil to deep fryBlack Salt and pepper to tasteMethodMix besan, salt, cooking soda, ajwain, turmeric, oil and luke warm water to make a soft dough

Posted by: nufacssu at 01:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 14, 2020

The robots are the work of artist Giles Walker

Only about 20 per cent of attendees this year are women; just two of the 15 keynote speakers at CES are female, as are only a quarter of the roughly 900 total speakers.From a distance, the mechanical humanoids on a strip-club stage looked something like real dancers in robot drag.”CES and womenYet critics point out that CES doesn’t do much else to create a positive environment for women. The robots served a racy but utilitarian function by drawing gawkers to the club, much the way provocatively clad "booth babes” lure CES visitors to wares on the convention floor."I see robotic strippers and I see half-naked women on the showroom floor promoting products,” said Ashleigh Giliberto, a CES attendee who works at a public-relations firm.CES itself has long had a boy’s club atmosphere.On one level, this was a classic Vegas stunt, a cheap way for the club to cash in on the presence of the world’s largest tech convention. Several prominent venture capitalists likewise left their firms following accusations that they’d made unwanted sexual overtures to female entrepreneurs.” Unsanctioned events, the statement said, aren’t reflective of CES "or the tech industry at large.Tania Yuki, CEO of the social analytics firm Shareablee and a speaker at CES, said she doesn’t think the show’s organizers are purposely sexist, just trapped in status-quo thinking that worked for years.

Sex and technology (and art)The robots are the work of artist Giles Walker, who made them seven years ago after he found two surveillance cameras on a warehouse floor.Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick was forced to step down as CEO after he fostered a startup culture rife with alleged sexual misconduct. CTA also says exhibitors must be "suitably dressed” and bans "inappropriate” displays, although it didn’t provide further details. "They’re paying my bills and giving me the chance to do other art that I do which is much less commercial and is much more underground. But those same officials have said they’re hamstrung by a policy that restricts keynote slots to company CEOs — most of whom are men.Executives from the Consumer Technology Association, which oversees CES, have promised to "redouble” efforts to add women’s voices to the speaker lineup next year. For instance, while the convention prohibits sexual harassment and other misbehaviour, it doesn’t lay out its policies in a formal code of conduct for attendees the way many other large tech gatherings do. (Photo: AP) On a recent evening in Las Vegas during the CES technology show, robot strippers offered a window into technology’s gender fault lines — not to mention our robot future.But they still provided some striking parallels to the much bigger tech show nearby.”

But his sexualised androids also point to a future in which robots might not just take on many jobs now held by people but are also likely to become companions — even intimate companions, a subject that squicks out many actual humans. But close up, they were clearly mannequins with surveillance-camera heads and abstractly sculpted feminine chests, buttocks and backs, shimmying and thrusting their boxy plastic hips. "It’s like, aren’t we worth more than that?”Technology and womenLast year was a watershed moment for women speaking out against sexism and sexual abuse, much of which reverberated through the tech industry. The robots are the work of artist Giles Walker, who made Chery Arrizo 5 Rear bumper Body Factory them seven years ago after he found two surveillance cameras on a warehouse floor.As robot technology advances, that future could get very weird very quickly. And they offered a glimpse of futurism crossed with sex, the sort of thing previously provided by the porn expo that used to overlap with the final days of CES. "I wanted to do a sculpture about voyeurism and the power between the voyeur and the person who’s being watched, ” he said. (CES policies do forbid the use of escort services, though.

Some of these robot companions are already here; high-end sexbots with ultra-realistic silicone "flesh” and artificial-intelligence personalities are available online for as much as 15,000. In a statement, organisers said they do not tolerate "inappropriate behaviour on our convention grounds or at official show events.. The dearth of female speakers and the presence of scantily clad show floor models are more "lazy” than "deliberately offensive,” she said. Their presence during the show reflects "a tone-deafness about women and gender within the industry,” said Elizabeth Ames, a senior vice president at the Anita Borg Institute, a nonprofit aimed at advancing women in the technology business.As robot technology advances, that future could get very weird very quickly. After all, the android dancers weren’t really strippers, since they wore no clothes; in fact, they were barely even robots, since they were tied to their poles and only capable of a limited set of motions.

The conference took pains to note that it has no affiliation with the strip club nor its temporary robot workers.Neither has it ever instructed attendees, participants and hosts "to not have booth babes, strippers, objectified, sexualized women as part of the ’entertainment,’” said Cindy Gallop, a former advertising executive turned sex-tech entrepreneur.)CES participants didn’t have to visit the club to come across the robots; images were prevalent in social media searches for CES-related posts.Walker acknowledged that bringing the robots to the strip club for an undisclosed fee has led the project astray from his initial vision. For instance, academics are already wrestling with the ethical implications of sexbots designed to look like children, not to mention practical questions such as whether they might deter actual paedophilia. "I’m not going to pretend,” he said

Posted by: nufacssu at 09:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 12, 2020

Should the product not be made accessible to a larger section of society?

Menstrual hygiene is important to ensure proper health to prevent unnecessarily infections and risk to health. Our aim is to reach out to the end consumers providing them with full knowledge and awareness on menstrual hygiene. Women under the age of 30 and not having any birthing experiences can opt for a small size while women over 30 or having given birth (normal or cesarean section) should opt for the large cup. It can also lead to urogenital infections (specifically Bacterial Vaginosis and UTI- Urinary Tract Infections).What does the brand do, on its part, to create more awareness on menstrual hygiene?We strive to raise awareness on menstrual hygiene through demonstrations and door-to-door meetings. This allows people to be able to be far more active in physical activities like swimming, cycling, running etc. The manufacturing of DEA Cup itself has minimal to no wastage. Assuming that the menstrual age lasts for 30 years, this number crosses a lakh of rupees.The brand, in its latest offering, intends to advocate reusable menstrual hygiene practices in the country. We have an enthusiastic and dedicated team who shares the passion for women empowerment. An Indian woman spends about Rs.Tell us a bit about the menstrual cups, what is so different about them?

A suitable alternative to sanitary product, the purpose of a menstrual cup is to collect the menstrual fluid and prevent the blood from leaking into clothes. It is a very significant issue and we address it with full concern trying to reach our to as many women as possible. The name "DEA” is inspired by my daughter’s name and through DEA Corp we are working on an awareness drive to break the taboo and the shackles of silence prevailing in the Indian society on menstruation.What are your views on menstrual hygiene? In India, it is observed that many women suffer from vaginal infections due to poor menstrual practices. Therefore it is much more cost effective and a better alternative to sanitary pads. The purpose of a menstrual cup is to collect the menstrual fluid and prevent the blood from leaking into clothes.It is different in the way of its insertion and its utilisation purpose. It is different from the other sanitary products because it collects the blood rather than absorbing the blood. Its durability is one of its most important aspects as one cup can be reused for 10 years. Cost efficient and with no risk of infection unlike pads and other products, DEA cups can be used for longer hours.9 billion pads per year.

The cup, shaped like a bell, is inserted inside the vagina during periods and sits quite low in the vagina.Amol Prakash Mane talks about how menstrual cup is different and adds to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Make in India campaign. Our team performs demonstrations to groups of young girls and ladies in the schools across cities. Lack of proper knowledge in disposal of used pads and unavailability of proper disposal methods are serious issues. Students are inquisitive learners, they have questions and doubts which they feel free to discuss, so school is the foundation where the seeds of knowledge can be germinated. It does not disturb any bodily functions.The advantages of using a menstrual cup is no risks of getting Toxic Shock Syndrome which one is likely to get for using the same tampon or pad for a long period of time.The cup adjusts as per the body shape and is perfect for use up to 12 hours in a day. A menstrual cup can be used up to 10 years. This way women can contribute towards environment and can be active participants of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan movement.How does the brand intend to contribute to the initiative of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Make in India campaign through the product?We intend to contribute to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan through providing an alternative menstrual hygiene product, that is the menstrual cup. Knowledge about different options of menstrual product is the essential.In a country where rampant act of sexual abuse and discord is prevalent, should not something be targeted towards the lower strata?

Should the product not be made accessible to a larger section of society?Indeed the product should me made available to a larger section and that is where we are heading to. The Menstrual cup is available in two sizes, namely, the small (Model -1)and the large sizes (Model-2). If a woman uses two pads per day during each period (approximately five days in a month), then the total number of pads used each year (by this group) would be 44. Small cup has a 41 mm diameter and large cup has 45 mm diameter.In conversation with this correspondent, Amol Prakash Mane, Founder, DEA Corp talks about why is it apt for athletes, fitness enthusiasts to young school and college going girls, how is it different and how the brand adds to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Make in India campaign. (Photo: Pixabay) With a vision towards empowering today’s women with basic menstrual hygiene, DEA Corp recently launched its premium menstrual cups. Now imagine having to spend less than 1/100th of the cost when you use a menstrual cup. Disposal of sanitary pad is a huge problem in India. Poor hygiene adversely affects their health and there is an increased vulnerability to reproductive tract infections and other complications.

This is the time to convince women to move to biodegradable products that will help tackle the problem of disposable products that contain plasticWith China Mercedes-Benz ML-350 Grille DEA Menstrual Cups, we wish to spread awareness among school and college going girls and women starting with Vapi in Gujarat.6 per cent of Indian women use disposable napkins. We follow the REUSE (the DEA Cup) and REDUCE (wastage created by disposable menstrual products) cycle thoroughly. 300 per month in buying pads or tampons. Menstrual hygiene education has always been our main agenda in all the sessions that we have done so far in Vapi.. DEA Cup is a reusable menstrual cup made out of 100 per cent medical grade silicone. It also strives to make women active participants towards contributing to environment.What led you to the idea for them?The thought process behind DEA menstrual cup is to empower women by giving them an alternative product that can last as long as 10 years, thereby assisting them in saving money as well as to have a stress free and active life during periods. As per surveys, about 57

Posted by: nufacssu at 01:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 07, 2020

People who live around the Golden Temple in Patan hope Harry’s visit will generate greater

When Prince Harry visits Nepal this weekend, ordinary people hope his tour of earthquake-hit areas will draw attention to the country’s struggle to recover from the 2015 disaster. Britain's Prince Harry (Photo: AP) When Prince Harry visits Nepal this weekend, ordinary people hope his tour of earthquake-hit areas will draw attention to the country’s struggle to recover from the 2015 disaster. "Hopefully when a big prince comes to these alleys and the world’s media will see how miserable our lives are, we will get some help,” said Ram Kaji, who was selling potatoes on the street near his damaged home in Patan, a historic district near the capital of Kathmandu.

The April 25, 2015, quake killed nearly 9,000 people, destroyed about one million homes and damaged many old temples, palaces and other structures in Patan and the capital.During his five-day trip, the 31-year-old will also visit a camp for displaced survivors and stay with a family whose men served in the Gurkha regiments of the British Army. "He has a huge amount of admiration for the resilience of the people of the country, particularly in response to the earthquakes last year,” Kensington Palace said in a statement.Harry is the first British royal to visit Nepal since the monarchy was abolished in 2008 following street protests.Since then, Nepal has turned into a republic, with a President chosen by a Parliament. The prince will meet with President Bidhya Devi Bhandari. Authorities have been slow to push ahead with rebuilding efforts. A government reconstruction agency was finally appointed in December but has yet to provide promised aid money to displaced families and guidelines to build new houses and structures.

People who live around the Golden Temple in Patan hope Harry’s visit will generate greater awareness about rebuilding needs.The Buddhist shrine that dates back 1,400 years was mostly spared by the earthquake but the adjoining monastery, prayer house and assembly halls have been damaged. Only plastic sheets are keeping the rain off and the damaged areas are closed to the public due to danger of collapse. Harry will also negotiate a narrow alley alongside brick and mud houses that are supported China Changan Automobile B pillar Body by wooden beams.Puspa Raj Bajracharya, who is on the committee that takes care of the Golden Temple, said they have sent requests and proposals to the government, saying it was getting dangerous for the devotees who come to the temple, but have not received any response. Repairs are estimated to cost about 25 million rupees (227,000), but so far only a fraction of that has been collected from private donors."His grandmother had visited the temple in the 1980s when she came to Nepal with her husband and now the young prince is coming,” Bajracharya said.

"We hope when the prince comes to our temple we will get the attention of the world to come help us.”Prince Harry will also travel to Bhaktapur, a historic town east of Kathmandu that suffered even more damage, and visit a nearby temporary camp for about 250 people made homeless by the disaster, a quarter of whom are children.In Pokhara, a lakeside town that is a base for trekkers in central Nepal, Harry will meet several retired Gurkha soldiers and their families. The prince served with a Gurkha battalion during a tour of duty in Afghanistan.The Gurkhas have served in the British army for 200 years and have a reputation for being brave, tenacious fighters. Thousands of young Nepali men attempt to pass the grueling test to become a Gurkha, but only a few get through.Harry will honor those killed in battle and spend a night with a local family.

Posted by: nufacssu at 01:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 27, 2020

This type of radiation is around you day and night

Nutrients break down when exposed China Chery Arrizo 5 Rear bumper Body to heat, no matter the source.Microwaving your food doesn’t make it radioactive. Representational image Delete those spam emails and hide those social-media posts. Most of what you read about microwave ovens just isn’t true. Here are a few common myths and the truth behind them. Microwaves are not radioactive, they are electromagnetic waves, so there is no possible way they can make food radioactive.There is a chance that cooking foods in the microwave can make dangerous chemicals seep into foods, but as long as you use microwave-safe containers that do not contain lead, BPA or phthalates, you should be fine. Most of what you read about microwave ovens just isn’t true. "I have known for years that the problem with microwaved anything is not the radiation people used to worry about, it’s how it corrupts the DNA in the food so the body cannot recognise it,” claims the post.

This type of radiation is around you day and night, whether you use a microwave or not. Some people believe that microwaves make food radioactive, while others think that chemicals from the heated dishes will seep into food. This experiment supposedly proved that using the microwave to heat water alters it enough to kill a plant. While many people claim that all plastic is bad, containers made with these chemicals aren’t that common. The RF radiation produced by microwave ovens is more concentrated than your everyday variety, but even so, it is safely contained within the unit as long as it is used properly and poses no threat, according to The American Cancer Society. Cooking foods in water or other liquids can also make nutrients leach out of the food.Delete those spam emails and hide those social-media posts. Microwaves operate using radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which is at the low-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum.Myth: Microwaves give you cancerReality: This one comes from a popular email that’s been circulating for years.Myth: Microwaved water alters DNA and kills plantsReality: You may have seen a post floating around social media that shows a little girl’s science experiment for school.

The microwaves penetrate food and cause the water molecules and other electrically asymmetrical molecules to oscillate, which warms the food. Since microwaving is so quick and uses very little liquid, it preserves more nutrients than other cooking methods such as boiling or baking, according to Harvard.. For one thing, water itself doesn’t have DNA, though it may be contaminated by DNA from living creatures.Myth: Microwaved foods are dangerousReality: Throughout the years this myth has taken many forms on the Internet. More to the point, as mentioned before, microwaving only makes the molecules in the food vibrate, it doesn’t change the structure of the molecules. Here are a few common myths and the truth behind them.Does microwaving alter DNA No.Myth: Microwaving destroys nutrients in foodReality: This warning spread by online healthy eating groups is not exactly wrong, but it’s misleading

Posted by: nufacssu at 08:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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